Trailer Mast System

Sports Analysis Mast Systems


Who are Sport AV?

Sport AV is a global supplier of portable, fixed and vehicle mounted telescopic sportsmast filming systems. Stacey Cady, a former top level Rugby Union player and owner of, has established his own best selling products, including: 

  • SportsMast
  • SportsCam
  • Sports VMS
  • SportsCoder
  • SportsViewer
  • SportsOVP
  • SportsMDU
  • SportsLease

These impressive products have allowed Stacey to sell into many of the premier leagues and other leagues in football, rugby and sports throughout the world. With a background in business, Stacey is able to recognise what Managers, Coaches, Analysts and Players need, and how Sports Analysis Mast Systems can help them to achieve their goals. 

Quality filming 

Waterproof and portable masts have been used by teams and clubs for many years. They have helped to improve filming positions at various sporting events, and the ways in which video footage can be reviewed, either outside or inside.

Would you like to find out how our telescopic masts can help you to improve your filming? Call 01509 416972 or email to find out more.